1833;   Jose Rafael Pombo y Rebolledo was born on the 7 of November in Santafe de Bogota
1842;   At the age of  8 Rafael already knew how to read and write, at this age he try to start doing his first verse and trying to read all the poetry he finds, a year later he could do some compositions that had.
1845; At the age of twelve Pombo enter to the world of literature and he starts writing  book of verse
1846; He enters to study to the “Rosario” school, here he creates a newspaper in company of Antonio B. Cuervo.
1848; He sells the jump of tequendama.
1851; He publish his first articles on the “el filotemico”
1852; He graduates from the military school as an civil engineer, a career he never profess.
1855; He travels to New York as a secretary of legislation and he also write the book “ la horas de las tinieblas”
1862; His father dies
1867; Pombo starts writing story’s for kids publish by Appleton in NY.
1872; He returns to Bogota and writes on the newspaper "normal school"
1874; He publish 6 writings on the newspaper
1879: Traduce la odas de horacio
1883: The homeopathic doctor Gabriel Ujueta cures a stomach illines to pombo that was diagnosted as a cancer. in adition pombo becames member of the Colombian Homeopathic Societyand also the editor of their journal. 
1905; Rafael Pombo is crowned as the national poet 
1912;  Pombo dies on may 6